YAXI HD25 Comfort Blue Earpads イヤーパッド

特徴 Features

A Must-Have for HD25 Headphones

The HD25 Comfort Earpads are recommended the finest ear pads you can get for the HD25 headphone. Anantara is the best material selection on the market. The comfort is beyond amazing, and the sound quality is improved. This time we add the new blue color Earpads and the blue head cushion to upgrade the functionality and look of your HD25 headphones. 

ヤクシーオリジナルハイブリットイヤーパッドにクールなComfort Blueがラインナップ

イタリア製アルカンターラは、優しい肌触りで一体感が強く、また季節を問わずに快適な装着が長時間持続可能になると、定評がある。Comfort Blueの接触部も、勿論アルカンターラを採用。内径部にはナイロンレザーを採用し、低音の反響をコントロール。低音を包みつつも 解放された、誰もが求める世界観を見事に実現した密閉型とは思えないような音場を体験して欲しい。

Review by RYAN SOO

While they weren’t always one of the big names in earpads, YAXI has become quite ubiquitous and a common recommendation for those unsatisfied with the sound and comfort of their headphones out of the box. With an ever-growing range of supported products, there’s a high-quality option available for the majority with specific sound tuning guided by community feedback. The company has long supported the popular HD25 and has since launched new colourways to match the equally fruity designs the company has launched to date. Such includes the Adidas edition HD25 with its unique blue theme which YAXI has now adopted to match. Of course, the pads are far more than a cosmetic flavour, let’s dive in. Click here to see the full review.


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YAXI HD25 Comfort Blue Earpads + Head Cushions


Special gift】

You will get an A3-sized "Comfort Blue" Poster for free.


Package includes a pair of Earpads and a pair of head cushions. 

Compatible Headphone Models】 




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